Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Escobar escapades

So after all the expnantions of why Yunel Escobar applied his face paint to infuriate the Red Sox,  and the press conference to allow the spin doctors to explain why this idiot thought it was just a joke, what are we left with ?

Questions anyone, cause I sure have some.

Question # 1 - Dear Alex Anthopolous, can you tell me why spanish speaking coaches Luis Rivera and Torey Lovello never noticed a spanish phrase on the kids face and said WTF Yunel, take that stupid remark off.

Question # 2 - Edwin Encarnacion, Omar Vizquel, Rickey Romero, none of you guys recognized the phrase and through a lasso around # 5 ?

So it was detected only by a camerman from a distance ? C'mon, you have to do better than that folks, So are we left to blame the kid alone, yes. Is he blameless, hell no, he is an idiot, but has the team simply lost all sense of reality.

Guys and girls, if this happened in Boston, oh wait it did happen in Boston, and it cost Francona his job when it assumed Tito had lost the room to the lunatics.

Is it fair to blame John Farrell, yes, he is the manager. Was it his fault the kid's head is not screwed on right, no, but there's that whole captain goes down with the ship logic. It happened on his watch, he takes some blame. Francona did, and he had to walk the plank. Will Farrell receive the same fate ?

And what do the Boston Red Sox think ?  Is this the manager they desparately want to run their team ?

This lost season cannot end soon enough for me, and my last question is, and we might have all winter to find out the answer. That is, what direction is the team headed, if they jettison Farrell, then they have to re start a search for another manager. That took a long time, can we speed up the search using old resumes ?

What pieces are missing on the roster, what happens to Rickey Romero ? Is Villaneuva going to get a shot at a starters position ? Is Alvarez back, or can they send him to Buffalo to learn. Yes Buffalo, our new farm team is now the Bisons. Is Santos going to be a factor, or do will still need a closer ?
Shortstop ? The Kid or the Idiot ?

The outfield, is Gose ready ? and can he hit ? Does he need another few months at Triple AAA ?

Yesterday was the tipping point for me with the organisation, because I thought they were still all there ( in their heads ) and now I think it will rats jumping off a floundering ship.

Anthopolous has many holes to plug, and the free agent market looks quite lean. Too bad we were not more active last year.

If Farrell returns, expect a raft of changes, he cannot stand Lind, or Kelly Johnson, or Escobar, or most his bullpen, so if he is still the manager, and that is a big if, you will need a program to tell these players apart.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Here we are mid way into September, and where have I been ?
First blog in 3 weeks, so what has being going on. Well, in three weeks there has been such a downpour of events.

 > The Yankees insurmountable lead has disintegrated and they are life and death to hold  their division spot.
 > The Washington Nationals followed through on their promise and shut down Strasburg.
 > Melky Cabrera got a 50 game suspension for a banned substance
 > The Dodgers acquired Adrian Gonzalez, Josh Beckett, and Carl Crawford and have fallen backwards in the standings.
 > The Oakland A's have vaulted past the Angels, and are threatening even the Texas Rangers
 > So far despite all his efforts, Bobby Valentine is still employed by the Red Sox.
 > Here come the Baltimore really.. the Baltimore Orioles.
 > The Phillies, given up for dead at the All Star Break are 5 games out of a playoff spot. Hell, they dumped Hunter Pence, they dealt Victorino to LA, they added nobody.
 > Roger Clemens is pitching for a Skeeters team in the minors looking to pitch for the Astros, and he wants a shot at facing a real contender.  Why, to push back his Hall of Fame inducement 5 years.
 > The Pirates finally imploded, and their good news story has ended.
 > There are more teams in the playoff than ever before.

So, we are 3 weeks from mthe finish line, and the potential for tie breaking games is huge. The Rays, O's, A's, Angels, Tigers , and Yanks are all candidates in the AL. In the NL, Brewers, Braves, Cards, Dodgers, are all potential 1 game participants. 

It seems like it raining baseball news. Maybe I had better keep up with current events a tad better.