Friday, May 3, 2013

A month later....

Oh c'mon, a month later and this super talent laden team is 10-19, are you shitting me.  What the "f" is going on here.

If I listen to the folks on the street, all they talk about is the Leafs and opening their cottages next weekend. Sincerely folks, I did not see this coming.

I looked at last night's boxscore, and thought "where's the offense gone" , and when I read Happ's line with 7 free passes, I said "where is the damn pitching", and when I watch us botch easy ground balls and miss the cut off man, okay, well you get the point.

Who to blame, some say they'll gas the pitching coach, some the hitting coach, some want Gibbons head on a pike. Either way someone is going to blamed and thrown under the bus.

Blue Jay apologists are running out of excuses, even R.A. Dickey, who has started to look respectable, has run out of people or flying objects or rowdy fans, to throw under the bus.

After a winter of optimism, and a bit of disjointed spring, we had high hopes. I don't think that going into Game 30 against Mariners ace Felix Hernandez will make everyone feel we are truning the corner, but this can get real ugly.

I heard this morning on my drive in that we won 1 series so far this year, it may have been KC, but this train wreck is so bad, it is a blur. Oh but the boys have hit the long ball, yes, but the boys have given up the long ball. The bullpen has been average, they have coughed up leads, but have had to be used far too often and too long, they'll be spent by Canada Day.

News arrived yesterday that Rickey Romero will take the ball for Josh Johnson. Why, well Josh has a boo-boo, so what else is new. When hasn't been injured. Is that laughing I hear from the Marlin brain trust ? Shut up already.  So after pitching 7 innings against a group of 18 & 19 year olds, he is ready.

Panic in the streets ! Rickey's returning. Hey, he cannot possibly pitch any worse than Johnson, who is destined for a stay on the DL, a visit to Dr. James Andrews, and the Jays will not pick up his option. Why does he remind me of AJ Burnett so damn much ?

A reminder, a while back, 1989 to be excact, the Jays had a decent team, and started 10 - 20 and this was after George Bell decided he was not going to DH, kiss my purple butt routine. Sil Campusano was the CF of their future. Their future ended up being Moseby again, and eventually Devon White.

With that 10 - 20 start, they gave the gas pipe to Jimy One M, Williams.  GM Pat Gillick did not see a team, but a house divided, one group hated Williams, and the other half hadn't made their minds up yet.

Gaston was brought in, and the Jays made the post season, good things were on the horizon.

Not saying the Jays will do that if they have a flat weekend against our expansion cousins, but you know all it will take is plus 23 and sunny, andif the Leafs were to take a game against the Bruins, well the gang at the Big Giant Conglomerate will notice the walk up crowds dwindle, and the ratings take a dive. Not even hornet's nest contraversy about illegal pitches by messers Hayhurst & Morris will be enough to keep folks interest.