Friday, May 15, 2015

Off the rails

 I watch the Houston Astros and even I think they will eventually go off the rails, maybe like a crazy train.
Apologies to Ozzy.

I don't see the rotation lasting, there are holes in the line up, they are a deep team, and they have many kids still learning.

The bullpen was patch worked in the off season, and they are a year removed from the high 90's in losses.  So I am just to believe they have turned the corner and are the best team ahead of King Felix / Cano and the Mariners ?  That they will dethrone the Angels and surpass the Athletics ?

Yup, I think that is about right.  But they are in mid May and stilling 2 out of 3 every time out.  They take the lead and hold it, they come from behind, they move runners, they get timely hits and they make plays in the field.  That is a nice mixture.

The only caveat I have is that it is May 15th, and way too early.  I remember saying that 2 years ago about the Orioles, and they led almost wire to wire. O's did not have the starting pitching, no true ace. Winning just those 1 run games, but they made it to the playoffs, and the Astros look similar and look different.

The Astros have no true ace, despite Dallas Keuchel, the rotation does not appear that it can stand all throught the season, and they day today line up isn't as potent as Baltimore's. 

I will check back at the All Star break and see where they are.  If they are still on this wild ride, will they add players, because they have kids coming, but it has been a long time between James Richard and Terry Puhl, even Biggio and crew are long forgotten, but those wild coloured Dis Astros are playing some fun baseball in Texas.

I would love to see them last a while longer, it is adding a new dimension to the game.  KC Royals, Houston Astros , so c'mon Blue Jays,add your name to the mix/

Monday, May 4, 2015

Arod , the Lightning Rod

Not like the Yankees to have a clubhouse controversy, is it ?
So he hits a record tying home run, and the Yanks say they are refusing to pay any bonus money for him reaching this milestone.
Rest easy Willie Mays, the Yanks are not glorifying their carpet bagger 3rd sacker for $ 6 million bucks.

Arod's agent smells some reneging going on and so here is yet the latest episode of the Arod saga in NY.  Say it ain't so !.

Now I have not seen the contract and I rather doubt that they will let me, but on the surface, unless there is absolute certainty that despite reaching that milestone, the Yanks can claim they cannot market him, is just plain ridiculous. The Yanks marketing team can market a rainy day, so a near do well drug induced over bearing blow hard, is just a walk in the park for the Yanks.  

They can sell coal to Newcastle, period, so unless Arod signed in a blood oath or some such nonsense, he will get his money, because that is all is about.  Is he a reviled character, yes, but I have heard Jon Sterling call one of his home runs like the second coming of Babe Ruth.  So let us put down those pitch forks and focus on the smear campaign the Yanks continue to employ, or the legal team of the "Let's screw with Arod Legal Team ".

At some juncture they will have to cough it up like a bad hair ball, but they will have to.  This is the same legal beagles who could not void his contract, because they could prove his guilt in the winter. They were as silent as a library in the summer, until the gave it up and extended Arod the back handed invite to spring training.

The circus has come to Toronto as the home squad faces Arod, and weird stuff seems to happen here in Toronto, so watch the bars and jump jump joints after hours for Messers Rodriguez  & posse. 
He will get booed, of course, but he seems oblivious to the jeers, he gets plenty at home.

I hate the guy, he is a cheater and a fraud, but Yankees gave him this contract and I hope they choke on it.