Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Award Time

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Cinderella Twins and Braves try to avoid final bell

Night game update, Tigers eke out the 6-5 win, lead back to 2 games, 5 games left, and Fish are tight against the Braves, so maybe these races will be back to the land of "almost " once again.
Maybe Cinderella will still get to the dance, but the clock is beginning to strike 12, and in the distance the choir of hefty ladies is beginning to clear their throats.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Let's put the Wild back in Wild Card

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Another act worn thin

Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday's with Jimmy

Grab your coffee, or hot beverage, and sit back while I recount what's pissing me off these days.
# 1
The Yankees and their tradition can get a bit to bombastic for my taste, case in point the well publicized ascent of Lou Gehrig's team record for hits as a NY'er. Was finally reached and surpassed by Derek Jeter, like it was the breaking of the sound barrier, the 4 minute mile, reaching the summit of Mount Everest, or the first heart transplant all rolled into one. Enough already YES Network, and Yankees Incorporated. I was speaking to one of best friends and fellow Yankee hater and we had both seen the list of famous pinstripped players Jeter had passed, and one name struck me, because of what I know about the man, and his time. That would the kid from Oklahoma, Mickey Mantle. The greatest switch hitter ever.
If the Mick had not suffered a devastating knee injury in 51', and in those days, no arthroscopic surgeries were done. He either limped on and off the field, or waited 3 months to play again.
Give Mickey the benefit of better outfield grass, and better doctors, and he plays almost 2 full seasons more, so tell me that the New Great One would not be still scaling the heights of Yankee stats to reach Mantle. Plus, I found it repugnant that they are celebrating this individual team record like he just reached 3000 hits, or 500 home runs.
# 2
Some very bad news came from Tigerland in that long time Tiger broadcaster Ernie Harwell has inoperable cancer, and we shall too soon lose another piece of the past. Like Tom Cheek and Don Chevrier, and others, Harwell was in a class with only the best. He ranks there with the current dean of baseball announcers, Vin Scully, still doing Dodger games ( and solo to boot ) , the late Jack Buck , long time Cardinal voice, and guys like Mel Allen, and Tony Kubek, and Red Barber.
Barber mentored Scully as the voice of the Brooklyn Dodgers, "sitting in the tall cotton", "ducks on the pond", and many other expressions that gave fans the feel they were at the park. Harwell is like Scully, every play reminds him of a good story, and baseball lends itself to discuss it's past, and it's future at the same time.
# 3
Cy Young in the AL. Guys and gals, this is a no brainer, it has to KC right hander Zach Greinke, not CC, not Verlander, apologies Doc Halladay, and nice try Felix Hernandez, maybe next year. forget about wins, look at the innings, look at the batting average against, the low amount of walks, the strikeouts, and oh the best ERA in the majors. It is not Greinke's fault he plays for an offensively challenged team in Kansas City, he has been thee most consistent pitcher all year long. End of story, move along, nothing to discuss.
The NL Cy is a bit tougher but wunderkid Lincecum is heavily favoured, but there are always those that don't like to see the same pitcher every year. Unless his name was Greg Maddux of course. I will handicap the MVP, ROY in each league this weekend, because there is not much left to follow, except the Giants - Rockies race.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Famous Battles

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday Quick Hits

Red Sox starting to get healthy, and the Dice Man is coming back this week, watch his start with earnest, since Lester and Buchholz and Beckett look very solid.
Tigers look very flat, maybe the result of the weakest division and little competition.
How far will the Joba plan extend ?
Is it possible that limiting his innings will perhaps hurt his chances of post season success. I think the pin stripes have the bats, but they have depended on sending out Sergio Mitre, Josh Towers and Chad Gaudin lately, not gotten very good results from Burnett, leaving Sabathia & Pettitte to win in the playoffs, so I worry about their ability to advance.
The Giants despite their solid rotation have not dominated their opponents, and the Rockies continue to look very good, so I think the wild card race will be done by late next week. No magic numbers, but the two teams seem to be going in opposite directions.
The Angels look almost ready for post season, Vlad is healthier, Morales is solid, getting very good defense, and they are getting good starts from their rotation, now including Scott Kazmir.
Only weak spot they have might be closer, as Fuentes is not always a lock, and has little post season experience. The set up arms are not as reliable as yeras past, and bullpen was always an LA edge going into a short series.

Here are some Jays bullet points to think about
> Attendance against the Twins was about the same as a swap meet, 11,000 and change, and Doc was pitching. Have the fans decided enough is enough ?
> They have shut down a few of the their young pitchers, giving up, or trying to protect their assets, and finally smartening up.
> JP very quiet, and has not being on their recent road trips, Jays saving cash or just telling JP, stick around the city, until the end of the season. He made 2 trips to Boston area, but more of that was starting his kids back at school.
> Rumours abound that Paul Beeston has the semblance of financing, and an ownership group, and have perhaps made it known to Rogers their interest in buying the team in November.
> It may be that there will be starting the 2010 season, there is no JP, no Halladay, no Cito Gaston, but a new owner, new President, new GM, and a revamped budget. That at least would set a new course, depending on the names of the new Prez and GM, and what they got for Doc.
Post season is around the corner, so expect some pre playoff predictions.
Enjoy ?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Aaron's uphill battle

Aaron Hill's 2008 season was one he'd sooner forget, and there were times, he wondered how much he would even remember.
Hill collided with David Eckstein in Oakland last May on what would normally be a routine play, but Hill's head collided with Eck's knee, and that was just the start of it.
Diagnosed with a concussion, Hill spent time last year trying to focus, literally on anything, and at times he could, and then it become fuzzy once again, and bumble bees would return.
I think other than opening day, last night was a memorable night and redemption for Hill, as he returned home from the birth of his second child ( they pulled him from a game against Minnesota earlier this week as the news reached him during play, and he hustled home.
Back last night, wife and child doing well, Aaron went 4 for 6 against the Tigers, and raised his average back up to .290. That coupled with his 31 homers and 94 runs batted in, and playing a stellar 2nd base, it most seem that 2008 was a dream or a bad nightmare he has awoke from.
Adam Lind has been fabulous this year, and likely deserves many votes for Jay of the year, but my vote goes to the kid who plays 2nd base for Toronto.
Well done Hilly !
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
That which we call a rose

My apologies to Bill Shakespeare.
Is it not time to make the right decision on Peter Rose, and his exclusion from the Hall of Fame.
I have for a long time felt time that MLB needs to move towards granting Rose Hall status, but by the same token, continue to bar him from organized baseball. I do think that Rose's admitted actions of gambling is guilt enough that it should keep him from the game he loves for life.
Roses' actions however understood by those with gambling addictions are actions that can never be tolerated in any sport, at any time. Neither should we ignore his achievements on the field either.
In 24 seasons, this is what he accomplished,
3562 games played
14053 at bats
2165 runs scored
4256 hits
746 doubles
135 triples
160 home runs
1314 ribbies
lifetime .303 batting average
1963 Rookie of the Year
3 time batting average leader
17 All Star appearances
.987 combined fielding percentage ( over 6 different positions )
Impressed, you should be, not many played game the way Charlie Hustle did, as well, and for as long. Rose was once quoted as saying " I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit just to play this game ". Ever see him not run out a ground ball ? Not try and break up a double play ? Not tagged up on a fly ball, never ! Rose played the game on the field the way Cobb did, with ferocity, with passion, and with purpose.
As for his lifetime banishment, I agreed at the time, but I was more hurt that he would attack the reputation of the game. I have since then watched many pro athletes get multiple chances, and wondered if he would get one as well. Bud Selig has dropped hints, but nothing yet. Hank Aaron thinks it's time, and Hank was a contemporary of Rose, so he watched him perform up close, and never felt that Rose pulled back or held up, that on the field he game all he had.
So, if Hank Aaron thinks it's time for his entry into the HOF, that is good enough for me.

Friday, September 4, 2009
Life is just a Fantasy

Friday September 4rth, 2009
Dear Diary,
Am feeling loss today, had my # 1 shortstop go down with bad hamstring, needing MRI. Why does this happen to me ?, I planned all year, I drafted well, I traded when I needed too, I watched to make sure I sent the right pitchers against my fiercest competition. Then Michael Young of the Texas Rangers went and got injured on me.
I know, I know, he plays 3rd base now for the Rangers, young Elvis Andrus patrols short in Arlington, but Mike did last year, so in fantasy terms he still qualifies to play 2009 at shortstop. It's too hard to explain all this, I'd have to begin explaining the whole scoresheet world, and I don't have time.
Mike DC would understand, wouldn't you Michael ?
Well Diary, yet again, more injuries, well not like 2008 when I lost 3/5Th's of my rotation, Kelvim Escobar, Chin Ming Wang, Jered Weaver, then it got worse. The injury bug filtered out onto the infield, and Aaron Hill clunked his noggin and had the woozies fro 6 months. Eric Chavez was well, Eric Chavez, and had multiple ailments of back, knee and shoulder. So he was done for 08'. Then Torji Hunter, Alfonso Soriano and well, there's the ballgame.
So I consulted the mystical Gods of Fantasy, and employed a psychic, spoke to the High Llama, and read Bill James, and made some alterations before last winter's draft. Hazzah, things started to work, Mike Napoli hit better than anybody I ever drafted at catcher, Paul Konerko made me feel better about Jason Giambi's slide into oblivion. Scott Rolen hit, and Torji Hunter hit, and Aaron could see clearly, and he hit, and drafting Matt Holliday did not hurt, and he hit. So, suddenly Michael Young wasn't so alone on my team, and of course Mike hit too.
So losing Michael Young was just another reminder that I do not call the shots, that there is a higher power at work, that destiny is not designed, drafted or manipulated, it is karma, baby, karma, and I don't have it. So I dealt for Julio Lugo, and whistled down to Union Station, because Diary, I aim to cheat the Reaper, he'll not collect this soul that easily.
Final Note: BJ Upton tweaked his ankle after colliding with Carl Crawford last night, reminder to send a cheque to the guy who sold me those VooDoo Dolls of my closest competition, The Evil Empire in Thunder Bay, ah ....if you read this Glen, just kidding about the Evil Empire stuff.
We'll see if my Elephants can plod along and make the post season for the first time in 8 years, maybe it's time, or maybe the I make the Gods angry.Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Midnight Hour