Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Say Howdy !

I tried to photoshop a ten gallon hat for Darvish, my skill lie elsewhere, but as the Texas Rangers won the sweepstakes, they can outfit him in chaps, and boots and whatever they want now.

The Rangers were the successful bidders for 25 year Yu Darvish, with a reported $51.6 million posting bid. They now have 30 days to conclude a contract. Hardly an issue, as bthe Rangers already have a good feel on his expectations.  5 years and $ 75 million should be around the final deal to join a team that has twice in 2 years been toi the World Series, and has a great core of young talent.

I would not say the Rangers are out on Prince Fielder, but in all likelihood a $125 million committment to Darvish eliminates them.

The Blue Jays heard the news that they were not the successful bidders, and this city shrugged it's shoulders, yet again. But this morning I am sure many awoke thinking the same thing. So if they missed out, by how much. Because we all want to know how serious the Jays were, $ 30 million, $ 40 million, if he was considered better than Dice K, $ 50 million ?  Will they tell us fans, not likely, will they seek to sign Fielder ?
Again I would say no.  So we are left to wonder, and knowing the Toronto media ( Leafs Fan ) they won't let this bone slip out of their mouths.

It is 3 months still before spring training, and that is a long time to repeat your "no comment " answer to the media, when the Twitter world in Toronto was awash with fans all stirred up over Darvish.

What we have is a lump of coal in our stockings, and the hope of some aquisitions in future.

Dear Santa,

Please send me one of the following, Gio Gonzalez, Matt Garza or Prince Fielder.

Signed ,
Alex Anthopolus,
( I promise I have been a good boy all year)

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