Friday, May 25, 2012

Finding Faith

If we are to assume that the Jays are in the race, despite a wonky bullpen, spotty offense, leading the AL in errors, and just plain blowing chances against inferior opponents, then the fact that more people are watching the Jays, in the seats or on TV should be considered a sign.

Funny that many of the scribes and media are not on the GM to make the team better with bolder moves. As I follow the twitter world, the blogs, the web sites and the newspapers, I am amazed that no one save myself, Bob McCown, maybe a couple of guys in the office are throwing up their hands in frustration.

Why in the name of the baby Jesus ( quoting the Bobcat ) can we not sacrifce some A and AA talent and improve the team. Maybe this Drew Hutchinson experiment was cute in the beginning, but it is downright awful now. Drabez, and Morrow are going pretty good, but Romero & Alvarez are very shaky, and the best thing I can say about the bullpen, is that for 2 weeks, Casey Jannsen has performed admirably.

Money and another season are being wasted, and let me remind the faithful that the Yankees and Red Sox will not suck forever, at some point one or both will get healthy, and go on a run.  Tampa already looks solid, even if Matt Moore has not become the next super arm.  Where is Cuba Gooding ?  "Show me the money"  .....
Is this the blueprint ?  Another 80-83 win season while kids season like 10 year scotch. What is the plan for the June draft ?  Another crop of 18-20 fuzzy faced phenoms, tyr and sign another boatload.  Add more prospects to what is fast becoming a crowded house of potential.  If we reach July 31st, and we are NOT in 4rth place I will be shocked.  Adding a 40 year DH with no arm or leg skills to this roster is not going to change our fortunes, like Damon and Manny won't , or even Roy Oswalt.  Roy has been to more Texas Ranger games than many season ticket owners.  And yet, no contract, hmmm, is it possible Oswalt is demanding a multi year deal ?  Anyhow, back to adding on the potential that Vladdy brings, over playing Travis Snider, Adam Lind or Yan Gomes, is fool hardy.

If the team has given up on the first 2, well then who am I to argue. But if you need offense, is there no team so out of contention with a player with an expiring contract that can actually hit that we cannot attract with the offering of a couple of kids.

I like the Jays, don't get me wrong, but if we are going to wait until the 18 and 19 year olds start pushing Romero and Bautista out of the line up, that is too long. They have not played a meaningful game in September in more years than I can remember.

Good solid bats don't come cheap, neither does top 3 arms or closers, but we are spending pennies, when the paper money is required.

When is next year "the year" ?  What happens when we decide that we want to spend, and the Yanks and Red Soz, and Angels, etc decide the same thing ?

So far, the Rays have been twice to the post season after 8-9 last place in MLB, but no hardware to show for it.  I seem to remember a GM who said "when it is time, we will spend".  

What if the time has already past ?  Was our window this year, or last fall ?

C'mon guys, I want to keep the faith, but I am having a hard time finding the faith.

If you want to compete in the AL East you have 2 routes, the Rays suck for a decade route and the Sox/Yanks route. We have found a third route, the slow building infrastructure approach.

My faith is being tested.  Is yours ?

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