16- 0
Did the Oakland Raiders breeze through town ?

Well I have been following this team (Jays) since 77, even before that actually, but as the SF Giants did not move, it's a moot point.
After Tuesday, as I choose to sip the last of my beer, I reflected on some of the worst drubbings we received or been on the right side of.
The 16-0 loss to A's eclipses a record that goes back to 2006, when the Orioles beat us 15-0, and when I say worst , I mean by shutout, not by sheer runs scored. No children, grab a seat, and Uncle Jimmy will recount some doozies.
Back in 2000, we had a very strong hitting ball club, Delgasdo, Mondesi, Fulmer, Alex Gonzales, and Tony Batista ( foot in the bucket Tony ). That club could hit the long potatoe, Carlos l& Tony led with 41, and we had Jose Cruz jr hitting 31. Fullmer with 32, Shannon Stewart hit 20, Fletch had 21, even Marty Cordova hit 4, no one was left out. But that day against the Balty-more birds, we got throttled 23-1 !
Imagine that 23 runs and we got one stinking run, with all that firepower. Oh well, they say the sun does not shine on the same dog's ass every day. We have ( like the good book says ) giveth as well as receivith.
We have flexed our baseball muscles at times.

My favourite game of all times, I never watched, and I only heard the last inning and a half.
In 77 we faced the Bronx Bombers, in old Yankee Stadium, and these were your fathers Blue Jays, remember they had they had the first logo that looks the like the new one, but that is all they had in common.
Bill Singer , Doug Ault, Jerry Johnson, and Roy Lee Howell.
That Saturday I was enjoying a summers day on the golf course with a friend, and after 18 trips around the course, we grabbed a drink, and we got into the car, and we turned on the game. Well, Tom Cheek started saying he never seen such a lop sided affair, all the runs, extra base hits. Early Wynn said this was one for the books, and we looked at each other and thought "Holy Crap".
Well, as it turned out, it was holy crap, but for the Yanks, as we had a 19-3 lead courtesy one Roy Lee Howell, and his 9 RBI game. We could hardly contain our hysteria, a first year team drubbing a perenial World series champ squad, in their own yard. Babe uth just flipped over again in his grave.
That was special, and I never watched it, but have seen clips finally. Closure.
Our mostlop sided shut out on the good side was aginst the 1999 Tigers, and they were not a good squad, but never the less, we chopped them up to the tune of 15 doughnut.
But, as all these are interesting, 2 games ring out in my mind as Blue Jay high water marks,
In 1987, and boy the Oriloes do seem to factor in a lot, on my son's 1st birthday, the Jays clovvered 10 home runs and won easily 18-3. Whitt with 3, Mulliniks and Bell with 2 each, and solos to Moseby , McGriff and Rob Ducey for some Canadian content.
The other Bird Battle that stands out is the game we defeated Earl Weaver's birds 24-10, yup, 3 touchdowns and a fied goal. Big Daddy John Mayberry hit the only 2 hone runs that day, 24 runs, 24 hits, 8 walks, 5 doubles and 1 triple, and for me the first time I could recall a non pitcher came into a game.
O's back up cathcer, the great Elrod Hendricks through 2 and a thrird scoreless innings.
Anyhow, there have been likely many other great offensive games byu the Jays, but the last two were my favourites.