Friday, October 2, 2009

Last kick at the can or the manager

It is the last weekend of the regular season, and as the Jays prepare to take their season long frustrations out against the Orioles, the Canadian Press report that many players are fed up with current manager Cito Gaston. The way the team has been swinging the bats, if I was Cito I would not turn my back on these guys.

In any clubhouse not all the players are going to be happy, life is not like that. Usually they say a good manager/coach has 3 factions at work. Harry Neale said it best, " a third of guys hate you, a third like you, and you try and keep the last third from listening to the first third " Or something like that. I am sure Piniella has detractors in Chicago, same for LaRussa, Ozzie Guillen, Leyland but all these managers have the same problem, you cannot please everyone.

The fact of the matter is I personally have questioned Cito more lately for his commentary than his managerial skills. His style is always the same, let the players play, and don't tinker. It had success in 93 and 94, and for much of Cito Round # 1, but has not worked out this time.

Is it fair to blame Gaston when they had so many rookies in their rotation, and injuries galore, surrendering Rios, another poor Wells year, lack of power at 1st and tossing Rolen away. Yes and no, the manager gets too much credit and too much blame in my mind.

What concerns me is he wades into areas best left to the GM, commenting on Halladay not coming back, same for Barajas, maybe is just not sitting well with me. The lack of a true direction by Rogers, and Paul Beeston has left a void, and Riccardi has stepped back because he is just waiting for the axe to fall. No point in JP chat sizing fans, players, media, ownership because he wants another gig elsewhere, and sour grapes now does not go over well. As Woody Harrelson says in the new movie Zombieland ( which might describe the crowds at the Rogers Centre ) " You have to nut up or shut up" JP Riccardi has chosen the later.

Cito should have just kept his opinions quiet, but his has been the lone voice heard, and a negative voice at that. Players feel Cito has largely mailed it in since the All Star Break, but I could argue that about certain players as well, but with Cito's legacy, is this how he wants to go out, pointing fingers at his players, saying there is not enough talent, making half hearted trips to the mound in blow outs, sticking with a pat line up most nights.

In closing I don't disagree with a total house cleaning, beginning with Paul Beeston, Riccardi and Gaston & crew. A clean slate is required, but it would surprise me if some of these guys are still there next year. I wrote months ago that I was dearly hoping that Blackberry mogul Jim Balsillie would end this pursuit of a 7th team in Canada, and link arms with Rogers, take an ownership position that assists him in cross promotion through the Rogers Corp. Jim has bags of cash, and a passion for sports, and Rogers could use the infusion of cash and energy within the ballclub. A payroll of $ 125-130 million ( funded by a new corporate sponsor -RIM ) and a new president, new GM, and managerial staff might even convince the Doc to sign an extension and $$$'s to spend in the off season.

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