Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Fans are Fanatical

Many web sites are asking fans " Was the Philly Park Ranger entitled to Taser those numskulls"
Easy, why not , I am personally sick and tired of idiot drunken young men disrupting the game. Maybe if they get zapped like mosquitoes on a summers evening, they might think twice about going anywhere near the field.

Tasers are not fatal, cruel, but not fatal, but once you've had 12 beers, how much do you think these dudes could feel.

I just want to ask fans "What makes you think you are entitled to make as ass of yourself in front of 50,000 fans, and millions on TV ? "

Twitter, youtube, Facebook and cellphone videos, the local news, TMZ, I mean we have allowed people to act out and get noticed. The ESPN highlight of the night, page 3 of the NY Daily News, or the top 10 weird fans list, Letterman,. Leno or Kimmel, they all garb these clips, make fun of the morons, but the morons got their 10 minutes of fame.

So, taser them now, execution is next, because I am pretty fed up with the delays.

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