Friday, December 10, 2010

Twas the night after the Winter Meetings

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Nation,

Finger pointing, frustration… the Shaun Marcum situation;

Our Blue Jays were hung by the Yanks and Rays last year,

Now Cashman’s wheeling and dealing for another title next year;

Anthopolus was nestled all snug in his bed,

While visions of low risk, short-term deals danced in his head;

Beeston in his ascot, and John Farrell in his old Sox cap,

Had just settled their brains for a long winter’s nap,

When out on the ice there arose such a clatter,

Public skating today?… Did a scalper’s wallet get fatter?

Away to Blu Jay Way we flew like a flash,

Tore open the gates, …then we heard a big crash.

The Rogers sign on the crust of a 4-day-old snow,

Gave luster to the fallen object by the blue line below,

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,

Paul Beeston, with skates on, but sprawled out toe to ear,

Watching was his wife, so lively and slick,

We knew in a moment, Paul tripped on his stick. ( Still no socks !)

Less rapid than a Zamboni, he called them by name,

Paul whistled, and whispered, he wanted the Leafs to start a game:

"Now, Dion! now, Giggy ! now, Kessel and Wilson!

On, Aulie! on, Mitchell! on, Kabby, put Burke in!

To the center ice line! And let’s see a good brawl,

Now dash away! I’ve got cash to make! Slash away all!

So how ‘bout those Blue Jays, will Romero win the Cy?

And have you seen his curveball? Rickey must be quite the guy;

But who’ll start at first base? Who’s our new guy at third?

Will we miss Johnny Buck? Should we give his agent the bird?

And then in a twinkling, we heard a fan screaming

At his prancing and pawing, she thought she was dreaming.

As she drew in her head, and was turning around,

Down the runway our new first baseman came with a bound.

Lind's hair is so long, it grew over a foot,

And his jersey was dirty with pine tar and soot;

His old jersey # was stamped on his back,

He bought it off e-bay as soon as he unpacked.

His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

And the beard was back on his chin don’t cha know;

Then next spring in Dunedin, with his deal signed and sealed,

With new sunglasses on, he strolled out on the field;

He takes off his shirt, the girls start to scream,

He smiles just like Aaron Hill, a pink hat fan’s dream.

He spoke to the media, and went straight to his work,

He went into the cage; he worked on a quirk;

Then he turned on a ball, his arms coming around,

a loud crack of the bat, the ball took off with a bound;

It’s our old friend Hilly, Aaron’s bat was so quick,

Balls lined one by one, looks like he's made out of brick

He was signed for three more years, Alex just had to bite,

To bring back the ’92 spirit, we’ll see less idiots tonight!

And there stood Vernon, finally fit and trim,

The $125.1 million treasure found his way to the gym;

VW showed up early and looked ready to play,

He won’t make us forget Bell, he’s a fan of the K., and the DL

And then just like before, Lyle made the ball fly,

Snider grinded away, Gonzo hit hard line drives;

With Wells in center, And Esco at short,

They're fine up the middle, still need run support;

Molina had the old stroke back, when he hit ‘em they flew,

They all batted around, Arencebia too !!

The crowd sprang to their feet, to the team gave a whistle,

Jose circled the bases, Cecil threw another missile;

A new year is upon us and our Olde Towne ballclub,


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