Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nice segway

We live in a rat race world, edging to get ahead, to reach home faster, get to our seat faster, log into our computer faster. Once and awhile, we get to relax and not worry about pace, about getting there first.  We get reminded that slowing down can work.  It is rare, and does not always work, but walking from the train, or bus or subway to the ballpark is a nice experience.

These 4 are used to racing, to get the crowd involved, to hit the red tape at the finish ahead of the 3 others, and we applaud.  Try sitting back, take another sip and enjoy the moment.  Try scoring the game, and don't worry if you get lost, try a seventh inning stretch, to not freak out the next time mustard spills on your shirt.

When you do, you are going to find it an different trip, a different experience, and you avoid the trip and fall, avoid disappointments, you missed being the first in the row but you made a friend.

Okay, sounds a little sappy, "make a new friend" but the game itself is trying to speed up, and yet instant reply is nature's way of saying, slow the hell down.

Get some perspective to the game, and you cannot get perspective racing from the office or the job to your seat and get your food and drink to return to your seat, baseball does not really allow for that.

It is the game within a game.   Try and figure out if the strategy will work, second guess the managers, did the hitter out smart the pitcher.

While the season seems to go on forever, there is a reason for that, you are supposed to regard the whole picture, the ups and downs.

To give the team a chance, and the fan as well.

Let the game come to you and sit back and enjoy the experience.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Him and Me


Who is on first tonight D ?, I dunno A, my boy Robbie is playing the 2 bag D, what ?  Oh Robbie will never have what we have A,...You know it D... We have the game, he has JayZ and what ? 

Hey D, why aren't you out there man ?   Bad calf man, got the bad calf, can't seem to stay healthy. Boss says I am going back to the DL, I mean again. Sucks right ?  You know it D, this rehab business is whack.

Is today the day A ?  Do you get to suit it up ?   Boss says I am penciled in against the White Sox,  Quintana, a lefty. Yeah man a lefty in Chicago, with the wind blowing out. Jeter drools...wish it was me, but I got a bad calf.  I know..snickers..bad calf..I rehabbed for over a month in the weirdest places. Trenton, New Jersey, I swear it's the most disgusting spot, there's no action man.

Well D, I have to start stretching ..... have to be ready for my return tonight, Boss says I am penciled in to the line up.  I wish I was man, but I got the bad calf.


The grand old game is set to welcome back the biggest fraud since..okay Ryan Braun.

An announcement is expected today. Rodriguez will then file an appeal that will allow him to play against the White Sox tonight at U.S. Cellular Field. USA Today, citing "two people with direct knowledge of the situation" as sources, said that a total of 10 players will be disciplined for ties to the now-defunct Biogenesis anti-aging clinic.

This is where it gets murky, the Yankees would dearly love to have him suspended immediately but are playing the "good supportive team" card, but quietly there are fingers crossed.

Meanwhile the hero of the pin stripes Derek Jeter is set to go on the DL for the 3rd time this year. I think Jeter likes to come off the DL, hit a home run in his first at bat, then injure his calf in the home run trot.  He is destined for monument park in Yankee Stadium, the Hall of Fame and his day at Cooperstown, and Arod is headed for a grand jury and scorn, and ridicule.

Tonight, on the south side of Chicago, around 8:10 pm, I would tune in to watch.  I plan to see if the moment after the Star Spangled Banner , 3 guys in black suits and handcuffs stop The Rod from taking his first at bat.

   Paul Konerko gave an interview to say he read the book "The Bronx Zoo" years back, so now he gets to re live that experience.

Tonight....8:10 pm....US Cellular Field ... can only hope I get the White Sox feed, and listen to Hawk Harrelson call the first at bat.  Must see theatre.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Highlight reels

Time for some fun. Highlight catches, memorable moments.

                       Whether it was Willie Mays, or Jimmy Edmonds, or Brooks Robinson, or Ichiro, fans get brought from their seats for outstanding plays.

I appreciate the long ball, and wanted to acknowledge some memorable home run hitters, kicking off my list is Reggie Reggie, as an Oakland A. 

His All Star game dinger of the light standard off Dock Ellis is my personal favourite, due to the event, and the drama.

                                                                                         Dick Allen, and don't call me Ritchie. Another long swatter, is another of my faves, as his raw power matched his rage against racism in America. I thought every home run was his effort to prove his worthiness as a proud black athlete.

                                                                                               No homer reel would be finished without Fisk in 75' vs the Reds.  Maybe the best World Series ever, and this Game 6 moment is sheer Hollywood script material. 

                                                                                 A swing and a drive..left field..way back and gone...touch em all Joe, you'll never hit another home run that in your life.. Nuff said.

                                                                                           Whether he was on drugs or not, it was a memorable moment when he hit his no. 62.  McGwire was his own higlight reel.

                                                                                       Delgado one night smacked 3 home runs, and I was there.  He was the reason we never thought we were out of a game.

And last but not least, this guy was one guy I watched growing up, and saw play on Saturday Baseball Game of the Week, with Gowdy & Kubek.

  It is the swing of Henry Aaron , and we do not need to break it down, but having watched Aaron's 715th home run off Al Downing.

Summer dog days are here, so maybe some odd and weird baseball stories are coming.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time to pay the piper

Hear no evil, see no evil, and bong no evil.
Also it is time for Arod to pay the piper.  While his lawyers dither and stall for time, Arod rehabs like it's just another day at the ballpark. 

                                                                                                       Oh Doctor, can I have a second opinion ?  Okay enough with the political satire, MLB is secretly negotiating with Arod's legal team, and likely has cut deals with the others, but wants the Arod business signed and sealed before they announce. 

Speculation is he will accept a plea deal that ends his need to rehab this year and part of next year, but stops short of a lifetime ban.

  They tried a lifetime ban on 7 time convicted Steve Howe, and could not do it. Nothing MLB has in the CBA is definitive enough to nail Arod for life, but threatening a lifetime ban has him worried that it will be tied up in the courts for years, and at 38, he does not have many baseball years left. 

Steve Howe was caught 7 times and still pitched, echoing the phrase "left handed and breathing", if you are a lefty with skill, you have a job for life.  Even if your wife has to tie you up when she laves the house for fear you will leave and purchase drugs.

Whether it is today, or the weekend, the piper is calling, and he must be paid. The league needs this story ended before the pennant races of September heat up.