Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time to pay the piper

Hear no evil, see no evil, and bong no evil.
Also it is time for Arod to pay the piper.  While his lawyers dither and stall for time, Arod rehabs like it's just another day at the ballpark. 

                                                                                                       Oh Doctor, can I have a second opinion ?  Okay enough with the political satire, MLB is secretly negotiating with Arod's legal team, and likely has cut deals with the others, but wants the Arod business signed and sealed before they announce. 

Speculation is he will accept a plea deal that ends his need to rehab this year and part of next year, but stops short of a lifetime ban.

  They tried a lifetime ban on 7 time convicted Steve Howe, and could not do it. Nothing MLB has in the CBA is definitive enough to nail Arod for life, but threatening a lifetime ban has him worried that it will be tied up in the courts for years, and at 38, he does not have many baseball years left. 

Steve Howe was caught 7 times and still pitched, echoing the phrase "left handed and breathing", if you are a lefty with skill, you have a job for life.  Even if your wife has to tie you up when she laves the house for fear you will leave and purchase drugs.

Whether it is today, or the weekend, the piper is calling, and he must be paid. The league needs this story ended before the pennant races of September heat up.

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