Wednesday, August 27, 2014


So please do not disturb the local ball club, they are trying to curl up in a ball and ignore the rest of the world. Based on their recent road performance, I question whether they even showed up at all.
Since they have come home, they have eked out a single win over the Rays, and given Boston new life.

The Sox had gone 8 straight without seeing a win, then the landed in the land of milk and honey, and shazzam, suddenly they can pitch, they can hit, they field, and they have taken the first 2 games so far.

Are these guys still sleeping, or just sleep walking ?   If it matters , we are at the end of August, the dog days have ended, dogs are sleeping. You all know about letting sleeping dogs, leave them alone.

So while the Jays do not matter, I will offer some insights on the American League.

The Orioles are home free
The Tigers are toothless
Royals are team of destiny
A's - who the christ knows
Angels lose 2 starting pitchers, and keep winning
Rays..looks like 2015 will be good
Rangers..holy christ..what happened to them, weren't they in the World Series a few years ago
Yanks..gotta give it to the pin stripes, they got game
White sale anyone
Mariners..still think they are pretenders..but  a 1 game playoff with Felix...I like their chances if that happens

What will happen in the off season for the sleepy Jays, change the bedding, change some pieces but what direction will they be headed in.

What do I see ?

Royals or Angels playing the Orioles to get into the World Series.  So much for the Tigers and A's dueling it out.

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