Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shut your mouth

Do I agree with muzzling the press, no, freedom of speech and all that rot, some God given right to say what you think.

Sometimes though we push free speech to the limit.

So did the Fan 590 need to give Mike Wilner the weekend off for his continual arguing with manager Cito Gaston ? No, but he was sure annoying.

Do I like the Wilner sarcasm ? no, and he talks down to the fans calling in, (and yours truly went onto his live blog during a painful 9-0 loss tot he Rays), and thought I would see his reaction to criticism and he seemed to have pulled his tail back a bit. Quite a lot, so I guess Rogers will be watching and listening.

Why ?

It made me wonder if it wasn't the constant disagreeing with the manager, was it that went on his blog and continued the keep his rant going. I think his act is wearing thin in Toronto, and they need a more "fan friendly" radio voice after the game.

But I also hate censure, and if Rogers gives him the gas pipe, it is going to look even worse.
Plus it is hypocritical, because the same media mogul allows Bob McCown to rant and rave about any organisation or owner, manager, player, coach, everyone is fair game so I wonder why the same folks decided challenging the manager in a media scrum was off base.

I read the remarks, and I have heard worse, look any Larry Brooks - John Tortarella exchange , and you wonder how Larry Brooks keeps his job.

It is because we allow even jerks to speak their minds, that we have to allow Wilner the right to speak, but not to be rude, and not to be condescending to listeners, or managers.

I would like Mike to shut his mouth sometimes, but even though he acts like an ass, you can't censure him.

It just ain't right.

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